Where Styllar is going, updates on our minting and whitelisting process

Welcome back Styllar Club!

4 min readOct 19, 2021

If you follow Styllar NFT closely, you’ll know that a lot of things have happened recently. Let’s go over a little recap before announcing some exciting news!

  • Styllar NFT has been running a couple of Twitter giveaways. If you are one of the lucky participants, make sure to check your DMs from us!
  • We launched a Squid Game that is still ongoing in our Discord, go into the channel “#squid-game” and pick a color. Winners get to be whitelisted. Results will be announced on the 20–21th of October.
  • We had a major update on our Website styllar.com. If you haven’t seen it yet, you should definitely check it out and familiarize yourself with it since the mint will take place on it. You’ll also be able to see a ton of possible avatar combinations!
  • We took the 2nd spot for the Most Engagement Terra Projects on LunarCrush for the past week! All thanks to our amazing community. We are extremely grateful for the support. You can see the post on Twitter.
  • We also collaborated with Hero NFT, the amazing result of this collaboration is exposed on our Twitter and will be added to our collection as a unique.
  • Our public whitelist form is finally open, if you want to get in, please fill out the form.
  • Styllar went viral a couple of days ago in some major NFT groups. We gained a lot of traction for this particular reason, and we’re really happy about it!

What marketplace is Styllar going to use?

We’re excited to announce that after the mint on our website styllar.com, Styllar NFT owners will be able to trade their Styllars directly on randomearth. The secondary market will open a couple of hours after the mint, we will keep you updated this week with more details.

We decided to go on randomearth.io because we like their vision, what they’re building and the impact they have on the Terra community. They established themself as the leading marketplace of Terra and they are continually upgrading their platforms.

Don’t forget that with your Styllar, you will also receive all of its traits as individual items that you’ll be able to use later on in our avatar builder. When you trade your Styllar, you also trade those items. Watch out for those super rare items!

Updated minting and whitelisting process

Because of the huge amount of new people in our community, we decided to modify how the minting and the whitelisting process works so that our core community is rewarded accordingly.

First, we’re introducing a new stage in the community whitelist. There are now 2 Community Whitelist Stages rewarding our core community members. Those 2 stages are Community Whitelist One and Community Whitelist Two.

The top 1150 active users on our Discord server are going to be in the Community Whitelist One. Those people are guaranteed 1 mint in this stage before everyone else. People in the Community Whitelist One will also be automatically integrated into the Community Whitelist Two, essentially guaranteeing them another mint for a total of 2 Styllars.

People with the rank ranging from 1150–2000 in our Discord server will be in our Community Whitelist Two. We’re also including anyone that won a contest on Twitter or in a game in our Discord. Those people are also guaranteed 1 mint before the Public Whitelist Stage.

Following the Community Whitelist Stage Two, there will be the Public Whitelist Stage in which everyone that signed up with our form will be able to participate and try minting up to 2 Styllars. We decided to change this number from 3 to 2 following the community vote in our Discord server. People that are in the Community Whitelist Stage One and Two are also automatically added to the Public Whitelist Stage.

Here’s the link to our Public Whitelist form.

You still have time to sign up for it.

If there are remaining Styllars after the Public Whitelist Stage there’s going to be a Public mint in which people can mint up to 25 Styllars.

We made those changes to reward our core community and also ensure that there’s a good distribution of Styllar owners.

If you have questions, please reach out to us on our Discord channel where the admins basically live now.

Don’t forget to also follow us on Twitter so you don’t miss out on any important news!




Written by Styllar

Our Styllars consist of 10,000 uniquely generated avatars. Each avatar features exclusive traits.

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