Updates of the week and more recipes
In this article, we’ll go through a little recap of what happened last week, and what’s to come for this week. We’re also going to highlight a couple of recipes for our fusion system that’s coming in November.
Last Week’s Recap
Let’s start with what happened this week in the Styllar community!
- This week, Styllar NFT has been maintaining the top position for $LUNA volume on Randomearth. This shows a great interest in the project from the community and we’re really happy about it!
- A couple of recipes have been leaked this week in the Styllar Discord; we will mention them in the next section of this article to make sure everyone’s up to date with what’s official and what’s not.
- A community member (@Cle2tb) made an interesting website regrouping some known recipes for our fusion system and some alpha rumors. Go check it out here: https://www.styllarrecipes.com/
- Another community member (@KrakenUser88) made a nice spreadsheet to stay up to date with what’s happening in the community. It’s updated often so you won’t miss anything mentioned in the Discord. You can see it here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1KWcFmeQe9e0HGJfD7u83uvXuPgqlp1DZiDr9kkSwh7s/edit#gid=0
- It seems there’s a new Styllar whale in town. On Saturday, November 6th, someone bought a collection of over 91 Styllars. His actions alongside the community drove the daily volume up to 4,6k $LUNA on Randomearth.
What’s coming this Week
- You can expect the full collection with rarities to be ready on our website by Wednesday.
- You can also expect your Season 0 airdrop by the end of the week.
- As usual, we plan on giving you guys a couple more recipes this week, so make sure you’re in our Discord to catch those or keep up to date using the two resources we linked above.
- You can expect some exclusive sneak peeks about Styllar merch by the end of this week.
Let’s talk about some recipes now, we know that you guys are looking forward to knowing more.
Last week, we shared how the Fire Horns were made. If you combine 3 Trasher Shirts, you get some cool-looking Fire Horns.
We also shared how you can make yourself a Barcelona uniform by combining an Orange Check t-shirt, European Football, some Barthelemy Blue Bottoms, and some Branded Socks.
What we didn’t tell you however, is that there’s 3 more European Soccer teams joining our collection. We will be releasing those this week, but until then, feel free to guess which ones will be joining our collection.
This week, we also shared how you could obtain a wolf as a companion with your Styllar. You probably saw that we had a variety of wolves. Today we’re announcing that it will be possible to make your companion evolve with a magical item. As long as you don’t use the companion to mint a custom styllar, you’ll be able to make compatible companions (like the wolf) evolve in many forms.
Last but not least, we would like to present our crocodile recipes. By mixing 3 crocodile t-shirts (grey or green), and mixing those with a variety of bodies, you’ll be able to obtain some special crocodiles.
Let’s start with our first crocodile recipe. If you mix 3 green crocodile t-shirts with any basic body, you will obtain a green crocodile:
Now here’s where the fun begins. If you mix 3 grey or 3 green t-shirts with a Devilish body, you’ll receive a special red crocodile:
A bit rarer, if you decide to mix 3 grey or 3 green t-shirts with a Barthelemy body, you will receive a very rare yellow crocodile with some Barthelemy traits:
Please note that you will need to have 3x of the same crocodile t-shirt color for the recipes to work.
Follow us on Twitter to make sure you don’t miss any important announcements.
If you’re not in our Discord already, make sure you join us to participate in our Season 1 and get a chance to win some exclusive items.