Styllar Update Version 2.0
General Platform Performance & Improvements
Speed improvements — Our development team has established a better load balance so the data loading is much less noticeable, providing a significantly better user experience.
Performance improvements — With better data management, efficient content loading, & handling single pages within the same session, we allow for a faster load time as well as a drastic improvement to the user experience.
Fixed issue with missing items — Coinciding with the optimization of data loading, the development team was able to stack your item inventory to allow for improved load time as well as removed duplicate item previews.
Single pages now open in the same session — Single avatar, items & airdrop pages will now load in the same session, saving time as well as being able to quickly go back to the previous main collection pages.
User Interface Updates & Clarity Enhancements
The addition of Fuser values (Available Quantity / Currently Owned) — Our design & development team has integrated values on the Styllar Fuser™ upgraded items, allowing the user to see how many fusions are left as well as how many fused items the user currently owns.
Fuser formula’s missing items lead directly to the filtered secondary marketplace — The Styllar™ team was able to implement a feature in all missing items within the fuser for the user to easily click on the items missing and redirect to the secondary marketplace to purchase the missing items.
“My Items” page now pulls two values to help indicate items are stacked — We have implemented stacked items — consolidated all the multiples of items currently owned by users — alongside the updated indication values on the “My Items” page. This feature shows users the total amount of items they own as well as the variations of items owned.
Other features/updates to note
Fuser “Sync inv.” button: If the user has purchased items on Randomearth, they will need to withdraw those in order to use them in the fuser. Once withdrawn from Randomearth, you can click on the yellow “SYNC INV.” button to update the app inventory.
The “See On Market” button on single pages now opens Randomearth directly with all the results for the selected entry.
We have updated our URL to — not to worry if the user has bookmarked as it will redirect automatically.
We have many future updates & features on the way, so stay tuned!