Styllar Roadmap Dates

Welcome back, Styllar Club!

6 min readDec 17, 2021

It’s time again for an update on Styllar’s roadmap, as well as where we’re going based on timeframes. We’ll also give you some insider information on some updates to Styllar Seasons, and how these updates will benefit you!

Roadmap V1

Since Styllar’s launch, our team has been working nonstop to make sure its roadmap benefits the community and the project overall.

With Seasons came the idea of periodical free airdrops as a thank you to those keeping active in the Styllar community. We’ve added this feature and made it scalable for any future airdrops as well! As a member of the Styllar Club, you’ll be able to participate in and win airdrops that you’ll then be able to use in our fuser system and avatar builder once they launch. To claim any airdrops that you win, connect your wallet to our website and go to the ‘airdrops’ tab. There you’ll also be able to see all previous and future airdrops planned.

We’ve also made our Styllar rarity ranking viewable directly on our website. You can explore all of the 10,050 Styllars released, as well as what’s currently available for trade! It’s never been easier to find something you like and buy it to make it yours.

Since these features were released, the team has been dedicated to working on the Styllar Fuser which is a key part of our upcoming Styllar NFT Avatar Builder. The design and dev teams are grinding nonstop to ensure that the user interface and experience will be flawless and easy to use, and we can’t wait to show it to you.

We’ve introduced the concept of recipes, where you’ll be able to use various Styllar items together to create another completely unique, rarer item. This concept makes it so that even common items can be repurposed to create something completely unique! Remember though- when you use an item for a recipe, you can’t go back- it’s a permanent decision, so make sure it’s what you really want to do!

The recipes are another scalable concept- as we release more and more items, those items can be used in recipes that will produce unique items. Recipes can also be made in layers, so you can combine items to create a unique item to use in yet another recipe.

All of these features, once complete, will pair harmoniously to each become a part of the Avatar Builder. The Styllar team has been working hard from the start to create a solid foundation for this innovative project all meanwhile maintaining the community, so we’re super excited to announce concrete release dates for everything you’ve been waiting for.

Release Dates

As promised, below you’ll find the planned release dates for each remaining component of our Roadmap V1.

Seasons Airdrops — each 5th of the month

Now that our airdrop system is up and running, you can expect to receive rewards on each 5th day of the month (1 season each month). There was a slight delay in the Season 1 animated background as we first needed to build the functionality for video support in our Avatar Builder, but it’s now set up for all future releases. You’ll finally be able to build yourself a custom Styllar with various traits in motion!

The Great Unbound — January 7th

This is the first stepping stone to releasing the fuser system. “The Great Unbound” is the process of airdropping every trait and item of the Styllars you own as individual NFT items to your wallet. Those items will then be usable in the Styllar Fuser System as well as the Avatar Builder. It’s important to note that once The Great Unbound launches on January 7th, the individual items will no longer follow their original Styllars if you trade them, which means that until then when you trade a Styllar you are trading all of its NFT items along with it.

Social Media Package — January 11th

Following The Great Unbound comes a huge Social Media package that will include various shots of your Styllars, including one with a 3D Terra logo rotating around them.

Styllar Fuser — January 15th

With the official Styllar Fuser system launch also comes the launch of over 150 recipes that you’ll be able to browse within the fuser itself. This is the key fundamental aspect of the Styllar item economy and we’re so excited that it’s finally ready to be unveiled.

NFT Avatar Builder — March 15th

This is the one we’re most excited about, as the Styllar NFT Avatar Builder marks a huge milestone for not only Styllar but the entire world of NFTs, as there’s nothing else like it to this date. Once the Avatar Builder is live, we’ll proceed to release its Roadmap V2 which will include cross-chain features/releases and so much more that we can’t share just yet.

Private Club Merch — April 24th

Styllar aims to maintain its quality brand by offering the best of the best on the market. Creating quality apparel and real-life partnerships with brands takes time, but it’s a super important portion of creating a brand that will benefit every Styllar owner.

Styllar Seasons

Since Seasons are rewarded for the community, we followed your suggestions on how they would work. Initially, we intended to distribute the rewards to everyone actively participating in the Discord with the help of XP/levels, but we quickly realized that this could easily be taken advantage of by farming XP on multiple accounts in hope of receiving multiple rewards that would be able to get sold straight away instead of holding.

In order to encourage healthier conversations and a better secondary market for items, here’s the plan:

  • Level 20: Reward will remain open to everyone chatting in the community
  • Level 25: Rewards will now be restricted to the Styllar Club. You need to own at least 1 Styllar to receive this reward.
  • Level 32: Rewards will now be restricted to the Styllar Club. You need to own at least 2 Styllars to receive this reward.
  • Top 10: Rewards will now be restricted to the Styllar Club. You need to own at least 3 Styllars to receive this reward.

All of the above changes are effective immediately for the Christmas Season.

On top of this, we’re officially announcing that there won’t be top 10 rewards for future seasons. After implementing the top 10 rewards, we saw that the chat quality decreased drastically because users were more occupied with farming XP rather than having interesting conversations and building the community further.

The team is also exploring many new interesting and fun ways of rewarding users with XP. In the future, you can look forward to receiving XP by interacting with our posts on Twitter and Instagram!

Join our Discord so you don’t miss out on any important announcements!

Also, don’t forget to follow us on Twitter!




Written by Styllar

Our Styllars consist of 10,000 uniquely generated avatars. Each avatar features exclusive traits.

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