Season’s recap and what’s coming next

Welcome back Styllar Club!

5 min readNov 27, 2021

In this article, we will go through season 0, season 1, and what’s to come for season 2! We’ve got some exciting stuff happening in the upcoming weeks, stay tuned!

Season 0 (Banana Season)

First, let’s talk about Styllar Seasons. If you didn’t know already, each month there’s a new Styllar Season taking place in our Discord. By engaging and interacting in our Discord, you gain XP to level up and access new ranks. By achieving levels 20, 25, and 32 in the Discord, you will get access to the highest ranks that will give you exclusive and free NFT items that you’ll be able to trade on the marketplace or use in our future Styllar Avatar Builder.

Our first season (Season 0) took place in October 2021. The theme of the season was “Bananas”. By ranking up on our Discord you could achieve the rank:

  • Ape (lvl 20)
  • Super Saiyan Ape (lvl 25)
  • Styllar Legend (lvl 32)

Just a few days ago (November 24th), our airdrop feature finally went live on our website. Anyone that qualified for the unique Season 0 rewards can now claim those individual items that are also valuable NFTs.

Here’s a little recap of the rewards per rank:

  • Styllar Legend: Banana Swords, Banana Peel, Banana Horns, Banana Body
  • Super Saiyan Ape: Banana Peel, Banana Horns, Banana Body
  • Ape: Banana Body

Season 1 (Gamer Season)

We decided to label our Season 1 taking place in the month of November 2021 the Gamer Season. We kicked off the season with a unique chance of winning a very rare Styllar (Styllar 7570). Since it’s Gamer Season, it was obvious it was also RGB season. For that particular reason, anyone holding a Skins of the world body type had the chance to win the contest.

Following our contest, we came up with a double-XP weekend during November 20–21. Anyone engaging in the Discord during this weekend had the chance to double his experience, thus ranking up faster to achieve the high ranks.

This season, we made some new roles for level 20 and 25. By reaching level 20 on Discord you now gain the “Gamer” rank. By reaching level 25 you get the “Hardcore Gamer” rank. Anyone reaching those ranks or Styllar Legend rank (lvl 32) is getting exclusive items in correlation with the current theme.

We wanted to give our community a personalized experience for the exclusive rewards. We first gave our community the opportunity to suggest 4 rewards they would like to receive for Season 1. We then proceeded to cast a vote for the 4 most popular items.

Following the vote, here is what our community decided:

  • Background: Animated logo background
  • Item: Gaming Controller
  • Top: RGB CyberPunk Jacket
  • Companion: A baby dragon

Yesterday (November 24th), our artist Ah00die went live on Twitch to make those 4 items from scratch. You guys were over 350 people to watch how Ah00die made this personalized work that you’ll be able to get if you obtain the appropriate ranks in our Discord. We hope you guys appreciated the event, it is definitively not the last time we will do such an event. If you want to watch the video of the event, here it is:

We can now confirm to you guys what rewards you will get according to your rank:

  • Styllar Legend: Baby dragon
  • Hardcore Gamer: RGB CyberPunk Jacket & Animated Logo Background
  • Gamer: Gaming Controller

Please take note that Season 1 is finishing November 30th at 23:59:59pm EDT. You have until this time to rank up in the Discord if you wish to win those items.

Season 2

Let’s talk about season 2 which is set to start in about a week. We can now confirm to you guys that the theme of this season will be Christmas. Since there’s a lot of holidays during the month of December, we will be making more double-XP periods during the month to give everyone a fair chance of ranking up.

We will also be taking our community suggestions for this season’s rewards. Stay tuned as we announce the time you can give us your suggestions.

In the upcoming weeks, you can expect a lot of airdrops coming your way. Here are the criteria for some of them:

  • Season Airdrops: Achieve required rank on Discord
  • General Airdrop: Hold any NFT on the Terra Blockchain
  • Styllar Club Airdrops: You’ll get some innovative and fun airdrops per styllar. Stay tuned for our next announcement on how that will work.

Item Fuser

If you thought we were only talking about airdrops in this article, you’re wrong. Fasten your seatbelt because our item fuser is coming real soon. It might be your last chance at grabbing any items you desire on the styllars for sale on Randomearth. Remember that you’ll be airdropped all their traits as individual items that are also NFTs.

When our fuser comes to life, all items will be unbounded from their respective styllar, which means that you will no longer be able to buy or sell a styllar for his items. After the unbound, you’ll be able to buy individual items on Randomearth but no more bulk!

If you still have some questions about how items work, please drop by our Discord and check on the #item-answers channels. You can also always ask questions to the admins directly on our Discord.

Follow us on Twitter so you don’t miss out on any important announcements.




Written by Styllar

Our Styllars consist of 10,000 uniquely generated avatars. Each avatar features exclusive traits.

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